Dad to Sarah and Micah

A little girl is born in China. She's too precious to discard, too expensive to keep. So, she's placed in a basket and dropped off near the police station where she'll be found. She spends her first months in an orphanage, not knowing what a mommy or daddy is. Across the world, a mommy and a daddy get a picture of the girl--an answer to their prayers. Though the journey that has brought them to this picture has been long, it is but the first step in an even longer journey…parenthood.

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

The Christmas Story

Sarah was explaining the Christmas story to me yesterday while we were driving around:

Sarah: "Mary & Joseph couldn't find a hotel, so they went to a barn. And, when Jesus was born, they put him in a manger."

Me: "What's a manger?"

Sarah: "It's where they feed the animals."

Me: "What do you think the animals thought when they saw the baby Jesus lying in a manger?"

Sarah: "I think they said, 'I'm not going to eat THAT!'"

I nearly had a wreck I laughed so hard. (And, she was probably right!)


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