Dad to Sarah and Micah

A little girl is born in China. She's too precious to discard, too expensive to keep. So, she's placed in a basket and dropped off near the police station where she'll be found. She spends her first months in an orphanage, not knowing what a mommy or daddy is. Across the world, a mommy and a daddy get a picture of the girl--an answer to their prayers. Though the journey that has brought them to this picture has been long, it is but the first step in an even longer journey…parenthood.

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Should I Change My Blog Name?

I named the blog Sarah's Dad when I was dad to only Sarah. Now, I'm dad to Sarah and Micah. And that presents a bit of a cunundrum. For the many, many followers of this highly productive blog (annual posts now topping 1/year with a readership of maybe 1), would it cause too much confusion if I were to change the name to Sarah and Micah's Dad? I would hate for Micah to feel left out just so I could accommodate my many readers. But, I would also hate for all my readers to lose track of this blog if I were to change the blog's name.


Well, I'll leave it up to my readers. Let me know if you DON'T want me to change the name. Based on my readers' feedback, I'll make my decision by the next time I post a blog.